Low sex Desire or decreased sex drive Treatment

Low Sex Desire Or Decreased Sex Drive Treatment

Arogyadham |
December 1, 2023 |
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Low Sex Desire

Low sex desire, is known as low libido, which is a sexual disease. It affects the sex life as it decreases or effected patient have low sexual desires or interest. The person with low sexual desire has symptoms like lack of morning reactions, sleepy or tired mood, loss of confidence, etc.

The person who has low sexual desire find excuses to avoid having intercourse with their partners. The causes behind the issue can be low testosterone, sleeping-related problems, aging, depression and medication. Also, it includes less feeling of sex or masturbation. These are the major reasons for having low sexual desire.

Most of the males avoid the symptoms as they believe it because of workload. It’s normal to have less interest in sex for a certain period, but if it increases to months, the person should consult with the doctors.

Treatment for Low sex desire in the early stages is essential, and the person should consult with the doctor as soon as possible. There is a considerable success rate when it comes to Ayurveda treatments. The medications include a boost in energy but also improve testosterone. The treatment provides relaxation and overcoming the lack of desire for sex in males as well as females.

To find the solution, Dr Rakesh Aggarwal can consult with you. He is one of the recommended doctors by patients who used to have low sexual desires. Also, he helps in finding the solution to uplift the less interest and boost confidence. it helps in leading a healthy sex life.

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