Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)

Arogyadham |
December 1, 2023 |
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Sexually Transmitted diseases (STDs), commonly called STDs, are diseases spread by having sexual intercourse with someone who is suffering from STDs. It is also possible to get sexually transmitted diseases from sexual activity that involves the vagina, anus, mouth or penis.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)

STDs are commonly found in sexually active people. The infection of viruses, bacteria or protozoans causes it. STDs need to be taken seriously, where they require extensive treatment. Some STDs like HIV are even incurable and deadly. These diseases need to be treated. Otherwise, they can lead to higher complications such as infertility.

Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Bacterial STDs

Chlamydia:- In Ayurveda, chlamydia is often associated with an imbalance in the Pitta dosha, which governs metabolism and transformation. Symptoms such as abnormal discharge and pain during urination are considered signs of Pitta aggravation. STD Ayurvedic treatment focuses on balancing Pitta through cooling herbs and dietary modifications.

Gonorrhea: Gonorrhea is an infection that disrupts the body’s natural fluids. Ayurveda views it as a condition linked to Pitta and Kapha doshas imbalances. Treatment may include herbs that purify the blood and support the body’s natural detoxification processes.

Syphilis:- Syphilis is regarded as a chronic infection that affects multiple systems in the body. Ayurvedic approaches for syphilis involve addressing the underlying dosha imbalances and using detoxifying and rejuvenating therapies to restore health and balance.

Viral STDs

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): In Ayurveda, HIV is considered a severe imbalance of the body’s immune system. Treatment focuses on strengthening the immune system and restoring vitality using immune-boosting herbs, proper nutrition, and stress management techniques.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV): Herpes is seen as a manifestation of excess Pitta and aggravated Vata dosha. Ayurvedic treatments for herpes include cooling herbs and therapies that help balance these doshas, alleviate pain, and promote healing.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV): HPV-related conditions are linked to imbalances in the body’s natural growth and repair mechanisms. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on balancing the doshas and using herbal remedies that support the body’s natural defence systems.

Hepatitis B and C: In Ayurveda, Hepatitis is viewed as a disorder related to liver dysfunction and imbalances in the Pitta dosha. Ayurvedic treatments for hepatitis include liver-supportive herbs, detoxification therapies, and dietary modifications.

Parasitic STDs

Trichomoniasis:- Trichomoniasis is associated with imbalances in the body’s natural fluids and digestive systems. Ayurveda treats trichomoniasis by using anti-parasitic herbs and promoting overall digestive health.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Common Symptoms

In Ayurveda, symptoms of STDs are often seen as signs of dosha imbalances. Common symptoms include abnormal discharge, itching, burning sensations, and sores. Ayurvedic diagnosis involves assessing these symptoms regarding the body’s dosha balance and overall health.

Diagnostic Methods

Ayurvedic diagnosis involves a comprehensive assessment of the individual’s health, including pulse diagnosis, tongue examination, and evaluation of symptoms. While modern diagnostic tests are used in conjunction with Ayurvedic methods, the holistic approach helps understand the imbalance’s root cause.

Prevention and Risk Reduction

Safe Sex Practices:- Ayurveda advocates for mindful and conscious sexual practices as part of maintaining overall health. Using protection and maintaining personal hygiene are essential practices in preventing the spread of STDs. Ayurveda also emphasizes the importance of sexual health education and awareness.

Regular Testing and Screening:- Regular health screenings are crucial for early detection and prevention of STDs. Ayurveda supports integrating modern diagnostic methods with traditional practices for a comprehensive approach to health.

Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations: Ayurveda recommends a balanced diet and lifestyle to support overall well-being and prevent infections. Eating a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs that balance the doshas can help maintain health and prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment in Ayurveda

Herbal Remedies

Ayurvedic treatment for STDs includes herbal remedies that balance Pitta and Kapha doshas. Herbs such as Neem, Turmeric, and Ashwagandha have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that support healing.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)

Immune-Boosting Herbs

Ayurveda focuses on boosting the immune system and restoring vitality for viral STDs. Herbs like Echinacea, Amla, and Guduchi strengthen the immune response and support overall health.

Anti-Parasitic Therapies

Ayurvedic treatments for parasitic infections involve using herbs with anti-parasitic properties, such as Papaya seeds and Pomegranate peel. These remedies help eliminate parasites and restore digestive health.


Understanding Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) from an Ayurvedic perspective provides a holistic approach to managing and preventing these infections. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of balancing the body’s doshas, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and using natural remedies to support overall health. By integrating Ayurvedic principles with modern medical practices, individuals can achieve better health outcomes and a more comprehensive approach to STD prevention and treatment.

Still, constant misuse of antibiotics, anti-fungal, antivirals, and other medicines makes your body immune or ineffective to these treatments. So you can consult Dr Rakesh Aggarwal, who has expertise in STD treatment with Ayurvedic practices. He is one of the best ayurvedic sexologists around for consultation as well.

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